Unlock The Secret Code Of The Great Pyramid

HERE BEGINS THE FIRST OF MY ASTONISHING DISCOVERIES THAT UNLOCK THE SECRET CODE OF THE GREAT PYRAMID. This is so mind bending and mysterious I will release the information in small segments to avoid the reader from having brain overload.

Music Expert Reviews Bristow Sequence

Ted won 1st place NASA Tech Briefs “Create the Future”contest Sustainable Tech category.

LEDTRICITY™ uses a combination of various electrical principles, unique wiring circuits, and state-of-the-art components to produce a safe, low-voltage/current output.The illumination of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) using the LEDTRICITY system results in the ability to use extremely long, inexpensive wires to illuminate hundreds to thousands of LEDs

To date several prototypes have been tested at over 2,000 feet (with each circuit x 4 = 8,000 feet on four pair of 24- gauge wires), illuminating 700 super-bright LEDs. Additionally, combining the LEDs with special storage cells means no batteries to replace, and greater than 500,000 charge cycles. There also are no critical memory problems as with batteries, and they are Earth friendly and can be thrown away in a landfill.

The LEDTRICITY Solar Powered System uses a small, inexpensive single array of solar panels to charge a deep-cycle storage battery during the day that runs the system day or night. The present invention has the ability to travel vast distances from the solar array and storage battery location, where typical DC, or direct current, is limited to short lengths. Imagine a home of 1,500 square feet. The LEDTRICITY system and storage battery are inside the garage and the solar array is on the roof. The output circuits branch out in all directions to the LEDs installed throughout the home. This scenario would be ideal to illuminate the entire home and property on solar power. The system would pay for itself over time and serve as emergency back-up lighting in the event of utility failure.

Other LEDTRICITY systems include:

  • LEDTRICITY Bicycle System offers virtual frictionless operation, never needs batteries, operates LED headlights, tail and signal lights, and charges cell phones and iPods.
  • LEDTRICITY Low-Velocity Wind System requires no transmission or braking, and as little as 7 mph operation.
  • LEDTRICITY Low-Volume Hydro System features 1/ 2? pipe at 30 P.S.I. standard home water pressure, and produces enough force to operate the generator.
  • LEDTRICITY Hand Crank System features low RPM requirements to reduce work and the gearing necessary for standard hand cranks to achieve charging voltage.
  • LEDTRICITY LED Street Signal Lighting and LED Road Sign Lighting provides residential, commercial, industrial, marine, auto, and security lighting.


There are great ideas out there that people need to take serious and do some experiments and validate themselves as the next great generation of technology is just sitting out there waiting to be revealed.

The Bristow Sequence has taken my 1st priority. If you are interested in Ledtricity feel free to contact me or leave some comments below.

For more information on this project check out the links below and feel free to post questions or comments.

Ted Bristow

About The Bristow Sequence

The 84 minute documentary is based on my own simple mathematical system using 2 double digit sums 12 & 15 as the KEY’s or multipliers applied to our 360 degree circle system.  The system ultimately ends up being a basic algebra equation resulting into what’s known as a “True Equation” because the equation works in multiple directions. Furthermore reveals an unexpected underlying mysterious code.  A true mathematical mystery.   This code has been a source of my fascination and has had my attention for many years.   My unique number system of simple calculations using elementary mathematics have changed my life in how I now see and understand the science of the natural world and our universe,  as I see more and more connections to literally everything.  I truly believe it is the key to everything and once you grasp the concept you won’t see things the same way either. (no joke).

I will be writing articles on various aspects of the Bristow Sequence & interacting with readers of this blog.

I look forward to hearing your feedback on “The Bristow  Sequence”.

Stay tuned, please subscribe and feel free to post  questions or comments.


Ted Bristow